The science behind Rosebud

Rosebud integrates modern AI with proven journaling methods and evidence-based therapeutic modalities to expedite personal transformation.

The positive effects of journaling are well studied

Decades of research has shown that expressive writing can significantly improve mental health and well-being.

Reduced anxiety
Online Positive Affect Journaling was associated with decreased mental distress and increased well-being relative to baseline. PAJ was also associated with less depressive symptoms and anxiety after 1 month and greater resilience after the first and second month, relative to usual care.
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Reduced symptoms of depression
People diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in one study showed significant decreases in depression scores immediately after the experiment (Day 5). These benefits persisted at the 4-week follow-up. These data suggest that expressive writing may be a useful supplement to existing interventions for depression.
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A meta-analysis based on the responses of 26,427 participants found that higher gratitude was significantly associated with lower depression.
Increased working memory capacity
One study showed that students who wrote about a negative personal experience enjoyed greater working memory improvements and declines in intrusive thinking. Expressive writing reduces intrusive and avoidant thinking about a stressful experience.
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The positive effects of conversational AI are being studied now

Recent research supports the effectiveness of conversational agents in mental health care.

Wide-ranging mental health benefits
A 2023 meta-analysis found that conversational AI showed statistically significant short-term effects compared with control conditions in improving depressive symptoms, generalized anxiety symptoms, specific anxiety symptoms, quality of life or well-being, general distress, stress, mental disorder symptoms, psychosomatic disease symptoms, and negative affect.
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Reduced psychological distress
Another 2023 meta-analysis found that conversational AI significantly reduced symptoms of psychological distress. The results showed that the ameliorative impact of CAs was more pronounced for generative AI, stronger for voice-based compared to text, and the effect was stronger when the intervention was delivered through smartphone apps compared to web-based platforms.
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Validated AI therapeutic alliance
A study conducted by Wysa found that the user's bond subscore to CAs was comparable to those of recent studies from the literature on traditional modalities for CBT delivery in adults.
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Rosebud facilitates the development of consistent self-reflection practices, combining the benefits of structured journaling and AI-assisted dialogue.

Morning journaling
The practice of morning journaling harnesses the potential of setting intentions and cultivating mindfulness. By committing your goals and intentions to paper, you activate both your conscious awareness and subconscious processes, effectively charting a course for your day ahead.

Research by Gollwitzer and Brandstätter (1997) supports this idea, showing that individuals who write down specific plans for achieving their goals are more likely to follow through on them. Furthermore, King (2001) found that the practice of writing about life goals is associated with increased well-being and decreased illness, suggesting that the act of journaling about intentions may have broader positive impacts on one's life.
Personalized prompts
Our product features personalized AI-generated journaling prompts. These prompts are tailored to each user's previous journal entries, helping them delve deeper into their thoughts and emotions. By analyzing past content, our AI creates targeted questions and suggestions that encourage more profound self-reflection and exploration.

Many users cite that they don't often know what to write about, and personalized prompts has unlocked the journaling practice for them.
Habit formation
Weekly report
A study conducted by Wysa found that the user's bond subscore to CAs was comparable to those of recent studies from the literature on traditional modalities for CBT delivery in adults.

Promising results

We surveyed users who self-identified various mental health symptoms after 7 days on the platform.

Depression symptoms
63% report improvement
Anxiety symptoms
62% report improvement
Anger symptoms
63% report improvement
Grief symptoms
52% report improvement
ADHD symptoms
40% report improvement
“I live with anxiety and depression. This app has helped me tremendously. Like others have said, it is often my go to when I start to feel anxious.” ~ Jakala G
“Rosebud has improved everything in my life. My depression is getting better and I'm becoming more tolerant to handling relationships and situations that are challenging.” ~ Seth H
“I've been in a low place for a while now. I've only had Rosebud for 7 days. I feel more at peace than I ever have.” ~ Kerri C

Our process

Rosebud collaborates with mental health professionals to integrate principles from evidence-based modalities

We collaborate with mental health experts to translate their modality into an AI-powered module.
Our team builds the technology and integrates it into the Rosebud platform.
We evaluate the results with our partners to continue to refine the efficacy.
Acceptance & Commitment
Dr. Christine Cielo
Internal Family System
David Coates
Micha Tomoff
“I’m a therapist. This app does what I do. I recommend it to clients to help them through the week, and have recommended it to students to learn how to give empathy.”

~ Sky Kershner, MFT, LCSW, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at WVU School of Medicine
“In my work with clients, I often find it takes time for them to really get the IFS model and to integrate it into the living of their lives. I always recommend Rosebud as something they can use between sessions to be guided in the IFS model. It is powerful and mind blowingly effective.”

~ David Coates, IFS Therapist

Build the Future with Us

We continue to collaborate closely with mental health professionals to inform our approach and
improve Rosebud.

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